The Government Plans To Tax Capital Repatriated Under The Tax Amnesty

The Government Plans To Tax Capital Repatriated Under The Tax Amnesty

The government is considering the possibility of taxing the capital returned to Italy thanks to the tax shield, as proposed by the Democratic Party, but the percentage of the levy would be lower than that given by Pier Luigi Bersani party: indeed the evaluation is carried out on a figure of between 1 and 2%. The report of the PDL authoritative sources, according to which, however, before “continue on this path you will have to assess the feasibility of the intervention”.

Although you should first check the “viability” of the intervention, as well as the political opportunity to give the impression that the state is “rimangi their word” to indent the capital, the same sources believe that the levy could overcome any resistance within the government konsultan pajak jakarta. “If there will be no legal obstacles – said a ministerial source – it is possible that in the end you do, even if our position will also depend on the attitude of the opposition”.

In any case, a precise source of the PDL, “would be a ‘minimal’ withdrawal, the one or two percent.” A ‘range’ very far from that of the opposition offering a tax of around 20%. Any revenue from the levy on ‘scudati’ capital, is explained more in government circles, it could serve to lighten the solidarity contribution asked superiors to 90 thousand euro income, “for example – explains a source – to introduce reductions in for those with dependent children “.

IRS, the rate study to tax the income of 18-20%

A single rate for investment income, excluding government bonds: the hypothesis and ‘in’ menu being assessed by engineers to work on tax reform. According to reports, it may enter among the measures the determination of a rate between 18 and 20%. The calculations are still ongoing but the measure could generate 1.5 billion euro a year. Currently the rates are two: 12.5% ??(interest, dividends, and capital gains from bonds and shares) and 27% for bank deposits, current accounts and certificates. For government bonds it will remain at the current more ‘advantageous taxation.

It is also working on a package of tax simplifications and facilitations. It could, for example, be raised from 516 to 1,000 euro limit for deductibility ‘income from capital goods for the self-employed. The study also decreased from 10 to 4% of advances for bank transfers for the renovations. It also confirms the study the possible ‘to replace the current bills, especially in the distribution sector, with receipts’ talking’.

A part of these measures, refer technical sources could not meet in the delegation but be anticipated in the decree maneuver.

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