Homemade Dog Food Recipe – How should I prepare my dog’s food?

When preparing homemade dog food, the meat should be cooked in plenty of water, with a little salt, along with the already chopped vegetables, which can be varied, depending on what you have at home. One day you can use pods and carrots along with leaves such as spinach or cabbage. Another day, you can use cauliflower, shelled potatoes, always in small quantities. I always recommend placing a string of olive oil, especially when using crucifers in the day’s food, so that the body assimilates all its properties.

Always cook the meats before offering it to your dog. As I have already mentioned, liver, kidney, and kids, in general, are meats with great nutritional value and are often highly appreciated by dogs. Do not overdo the amount of bovine liver. They love it but can not eat it overdone as it can cause poisoning. Eggs provide nutrients important for the brain, eyes and body and need to be ingested naturally, should not be consumed dehydrated. It’s interesting to offer hot eggs mixed in the food, do not overcook, or offer raw. Contrary to what many people think, it is always good to remove the shell. Egg white is a perfect protein source that contains riboflavin, magnesium, potassium, selenium and zinc. The yolk contains essential fatty acids, phospholipids (which contains one or more phosphate groups that are essential for the formation of membranes of all body cells), choline, lutein, vitamin D and a complete set of vitamins including tocotrienols that are members of the family of vitamins E and gamma-tocopherol. Beef, chicken, fish in general, should be offered cooked and boneless.

After cooking, remove the meat and vegetables from the broth and let it cool. Do not dispense the cooking water; instead, you will cook the pasta (hard grain noodles) or rice. See, we are not talking here about specific dog products, but the ones that you normally use for you. When using pasta, drain partially and keep part of the broth to add to the other ingredients of the meal. If you are cooking rice, use only the amount of water needed for cooking the portion of the day. Reserve the remaining water for the cooking of the pasta or rice to be used in the coming days of the week, if you choose to cook the meat and vegetables for the week.

If you use chicken meat, cook it in pieces and be very careful to remove all small bones, as they are extremely dangerous because they tend to break and can puncture the stomach of your pet. If using fish, do the same for bones and spines.

Our animals can eat a wide variety of foods that we use in our diet. Beetroot contains antioxidants that help prevent vitamin E degradation. Orange vegetables such as carrot, pumpkin, mango, melon, when given raw are a source of beneficial antioxidants for the eyes. You can choose to offer some raw or daily vegetables or eventually according to your dog’s taste buds. Spinach, cabbage and cabbage are rich in trace elements and contain antioxidants that help the brain, eyes and body. All green leafy vegetables contain boron, which is another important nutrient for the proper functioning of the brain. Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, especially, have anticarcinogenic properties, and as I have already mentioned they need to be ingested with a strand of olive oil or other vegetable oil.

Meat with vegetables can be cooked enough for the week’s meals and can be stored in a refrigerator, dispensing with the need for daily preparation. You only need to prepare the rice or pasta daily. Store the vegetable broth in the refrigerator and use small portions every day.

Try to serve the food of your warm furry, so the aroma is very inviting and does not run the risk of burning the tongue. Cooked food should not be kept in the refrigerator for more than 5 days. Although salt and olive oil are preservatives, the amount of salt should not be overdone. You should not use garlic or onion to prepare your dog’s food. These seasonings can be toxicfor him (actually garlic may be beneficial for dogs, but need to be cautious in using.) At the end of the article, I indicate a reading that speaks exactly about this; Can dog eat garlic?). Here at home, I prepare their food every 3 days to keep it as fresh as possible. But there is the possibility to cook the meal for up to 5 days and keep in the refrigerator, very well packed. If you want to increase the shelf life, pack it in the freezer, as it will hardly remain suitable for consumption after 5 days in the refrigerator.

Here on the blog you also find 10 recipes for homemade canine biscuits. If you are a vegetarian, you will know very well how to substitute the ingredients of the recipe proposed here, to offer your dog, all nutritional values in a balanced and appropriate way to your health exclusively through vegetables. I am particularly opposed to dog food based on vegetables, they are carnivorous animals and this should not be imposed on dogs as it goes against their nature. Dogs need 50% protein at each meal, so they should adjust their diet to meet this need. It is important to note that the meat-based protein should not be greasy in order not to cause weight gain. When preparing your dog’s food at home, you are offering a healthy and tasty food, and certainly the experience of your pet will be infinitely more pleasurable than that of a dog that only eats dry rations or canned foods. It is also advised that for your dog’s diet to be perfectly adequate, you add the recommended doses for your weight, a vitamin supplement such as Aminomix and also include in daily meals vitamin E, omega3 and omega6.

So, is not it easy to prepare a healthy meal daily for your furry? Try it, I’m sure your buddy will love it.

If you are convinced to prepare a homemade meal for your dog, I suggest reading the supplement of the article I wrote on the blog Can Dog Eat It? , which offers precious tips to anyone who wants to feed their dog with homemade food.

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